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Molecular methods
- De novo transcriptome sequencing
- De novo Asembly
- Annotation(GO - Gene Ontology)
- Sequencing of ncRNAs
- ncRNA expression profiling
- Characterization, differentiation, prediction of known and new ncRNA variants
- 3C- RT-PCR – chromosome conformation capture PCR
- ChIP-RT-PCR chromatin immunoprecipitation RT-PCR
- Bioinformatics data analysis
- Characterization, differentiation, prediction of known and new ncRNA variants
- Detection of active transcripts
- Analýza zmien expresie s použitím strojového učenia
- Gene ontology
data analyses
- Descriptive data statistics
- Relationship statistics
- Multifactor analyses
Development of prototype mobile applications
- Processing of telemetric data for the identification of functional diseases
- Image data processing for the correct implementation of speech therapy exercises